Order this historic comedy video This video from Gary Thison's personal archives is destined to be a collector's item. Why? Because hardly anybody is going to actually order it. So, if you order one, you will be in a very elite group of collectors.
The Comedy of Gary Thison Stand-up Show This video features Gary's full stand-up comedy show, taped live at a small theatre. Stand-up monologues, outrageous prop comedy and audience participation make this segment a must have for anyone who, um, must have it.
"Some Semblance of Sanity" Cable Comedy Talk Show Off and on for a number of years, Gary (and his sidekick, the always peculiar Jim Banner) hosted a very low budget cable talk show. The difference between this show and many other bad cable shows was that Gary was working comedy clubs across the country and had a much better variety of guests than the Wicker Basket Lady or Joe's Potato Recipe Showcase. These segments include three complete "Some Semblance of Sanity" episodes featuring Tim Allen early in his career, the Amazing Jonathan (on a show that was banned from the air due to it's disgustingly funny content), a host of other hilarious characters and a variety of comedy bits and off-the-wall phony commercials.
Gary Thison, Heywood Banks (before he was Heywood) and Jim Banner taping "Some Semblance of Sanity"
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