Comedians Who Smoke Cigars

If you're wondering why a dime-a-dozen, cheap, two-bit, stand-up comic has a cigar site, here's a list of famous comedic cigar smokers:

Groucho Marx - Arguably the most famous of the cigar smoking comedians. Groucho was rarely seen without a cigar. Anyone can do an impression of Groucho by simply quickly flicking an imaginary cigar and raising and lowering their eyebrows.

George Burns - Another comic rarely seen without a cigar. He was such a notorious smoker that there's even a George Burns brand cigar line, hand made in the Dominican Republic.

Bill Cosby - Not as public, but still a renowned cigar smoking comedian. Click here to read an article about Cos's childhood cigar memories published in Cigar Aficianado in 1994.

Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain) The brilliant humorist/writer uttered some of the best cigar quotes ever. "If smoking is not allowed in heaven, I shall not go there" and "I smoke in moderation. Only one cigar at a time" among my favorites.

Milton Berle
Ernie Kovacs
David Letterman

Alan King
Pete Barbutti
Gary Thison
(what the hell?)

Other Comedy Performers Who Smoke Cigars

Dan Ackroyd
James Belushi
Michael Richards

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