Aside from get-rich-quick schemes and adult site spam, nothing annoys me more than receiving those annoying chain mail letters telling me of all of the good luck I'll have if I annoy ten other people within ten minutes.
I always just send them right to the trash folder. And, as soon as I get out of the hospital, I'm going to do something about this perplexing situation (kidding).
So, what the hell. Let's have a little fun with these time-wasting losers.
Simply copy and paste the following letter and send it back to the pepetrators of this superstitious dribble.
Make sure you hit Control-D to bookmark this page, so you can always come back and copy it next time.
Dear Loser,
This letter is in response to the chain letter you recently sent me and
redirects all of the impending bad luck and unfortunate circumstances
back to the you, the sender.
Not only will you have to endure the bad luck being sent back to you,
but as a result of the chain mail that you perpetrated, a small village of
starving people in Indonesia will soon discover that not only is the
food sent to them from humanitarian organizations spoiled, but that you
are the one personally responsible for this happening.
Because valuable time will be wasted reading your unwanted, untargeted,
unsolicited superstitious garbage you sent, a Tasmanian witchdoctor (who happens to have an email account) will place a
voodoo curse on your life.
This email also releases the sender (me) from any and all ramifications
claimed. This exemption is valid from now until the millennium after
Furthermore, whatever evil your chain mail claimed will be bestowed upon
people who don't keep the chain going will be multiplied by 7.49% and
shot right back at you.
All recipients of your chain mail who dump it into their trash
file will receive all of the good fortune your silly email claimed they
would receive if they annoyed other people by forwarding it to (soon to
be former) friends and associates.
So, every time I receive a distasteful, chain letter from you or anyone
else, good stuff happens to me and bad stuff happens to you. Ha ha ha ha
ha ha!
Basically, this is like saying, "I'm rubber, you're glue. Whatever you
say bounces off me and sticks to you."
Thank you. Now go get a life.

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